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tAtB tCtD tEtF tGtH tItJ tKtL tMtN tOtP tQtR tStT tUtV tWtX tYtZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
RAHEJA QBE +triangle 36
RAI +r in triangle 6
RAISECOM +triangle 9
RAJ +triangle 6
RAJ +triangle & lines 36
RAJ NAIR GROUP +triangle 35
RAJ PUVAR chhap +triangle 30
RAJ RAJ +triangle & crown 23
triangle 8
RAJASHRI +triangle & screws 19
RAJCO +circle & triangle 20
RAJDOOT +triangle 3
RAJOO +triangle 17
RAJSTHALI +triangle & steps 36
RAK wall putty +triangle 2
RAKA +triangle 5
RAL +triangle & circle 9, 12
RAMARIM +triangle 25
RAMCO +triangle 4, 6, 7, 11, 17, 19, 23, 37, 39, 40
triangle 16, 41
RANCO +globe triangle squar 25
RANCO IMPEX +triangle squar 24
RANE +triangle 7, 8, 9
RANGA TEXVEL +triangle 7
RANGAA TEX +triangle 7
RAPCO +cogwheel & triangle 7
RAS +triangle & circle 12
RASOI VEG +chef & triangle 42
RATH +triangle 17, 19
RAVAR JOBS +triangle & arcs 35
RAVENSBURGER +triangle 28
triangle 12
RAVI tune +sun & triangle 9
RAVOY GEMS +oval & triangle 14
RAW BIMBRAH +triangle 9, 38
RAY SHARP +triangle 9
RAZCEF +triangle & squares 5
RB +triangle 36, 37, 42
RB royal stick +triangle 1
RBM +triangle 5
RC CHAMKU +triangle 3
RC SAKTHIBARI +triangle 30
RC SURAKSHA +triangle 9
RCA1 +square & triangle 19
triangle 37
RCS +triangle 25
RD +triangle 42
RE GENESIS +triangle & arcs 19
RE WATER KING +triangle ova 11
READERS +triangle 35
triangle 31
REAL ARABIA +triangle squar 43
REAL SYNERGY +triangle oval 9
RECEPTOR +triangle 25
RECLAIM +triangle & plant 35
RECORD +triangle & circle 25
RED CASTL ADS +triangle arc 41
RED ROSE +triangle 19
RED SUN +circle & triangle 24, 25
RED SUN +sun & triangle 18
REDAK +triangle 18
REDRACE +triangle & arrows 34
REEF +triangle 9, 18, 25
REFLECTIONS +triangle 35
REFRAL +triangle & arcs 35
REGALIA r +triangle 6
REGENESIS +triangle 36, 39
REIRA D'MAAND +eye triangle 36
REIRA GROUP +triangle 37
REIRAECO ventures +triangle 31
REIT +triangle 7
REIZ +triangle 9
45 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45
RELIANCE +triangle 45
RELIANCE GOLD +triangle 35, 36
RELIANCE LIVING +triangle 42
REMCO GLASS MAX +triangle 7
REMCO SAND MAX +triangle 7
REMCO SMART BOX +triangle 7
REMCO ST/AR +triangle strip 7
REMCO VSG +triangle stripes 7
REMONA WALL TILES +triangle 11
RENUKA +square & triangle 10
RESHA +triangle & stripes 24
triangle 5
RETAIL GURU +triangle 16
RETTEER +deer & triangle 7
REVEL +triangle 9
REX +triangle 35
RFP BEAUTY +triangle 30
RGK +triangle 9
RH RELAX HEROX +triangle 2
RHAPSODY +triangle & oval 38, 41
RHINO jeans +triangle 25
RHUMAT oil +man & triangle 5
RI +triangle 30
RI HOTEL REGENT +triangle 43
RI MICLON deluxe +triangle 25
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